End of season update
Linda's Story

Linda*, a single mother who recently left a women’s shelter and moved into a flat with her 3 children, suffered years of abuse from her husband. As Linda battles to pay the bills, she is struggling to find a job. With little choice, she turned to the L’Chaim-Chabad Foodbank.
At the Foodbank, she was able to receive vital aid, including food, health care and rent assistance.
Linda is not alone. As a devoted friend and supporter of the L'Chaim Foodbank, you sure know that we fight a continuous battle to rid the Jewish community of hunger and poverty.
Case Studies
B" H
Attention: L'chaim Foodbank
It's as if Pesach just ended yesterday, but the joy still stays with us! We want to thank and show our appreciation to L'chaim Foodbank.
Let me start from the beginning.
Our family was so excited that after being self-employed in various jobs, I finally secured a new job with a good income, which enabled us to finally get a mortgage from the bank and buy our first home.
It was such an exciting time. Everything finally seemed to be falling into place.
Our children set up their rooms, and my wife was busy setting up the house. And I woke up every morning energised to work and prove my metal.
Within months, due to COVID, the company that hired me downsized to try and survive, and as I was their newest employee, I was the first to go.
I had no idea how we would pay the mortgage, never mind all the other utilities etc. We went from everything so perfect to a complete nightmare in such a short time.
For the first week, I was afraid to tell my wife (she had just given birth to our beautiful new son), so I would leave every morning as before, but instead of going to work, I would walk the streets looking, hoping and praying for an opportunity to present itself.
And then the bills started coming in, and our account was empty. My wife asked me to go and buy nappies and baby food - I had no idea what to do. My head started spinning. I felt dizzy and faint; I even contemplated stealing from the shop in those minutes. What was I going to do? My baby needed nappies and food!
I told my wife I would get the items and walked out of the house without knowing what I would do. I whispered a silent prayer, "G-d, please help me; this is beyond me."
A friend drove by and stopped to say hello. In the conversation, he mentioned that he was on the way to make a delivery for the Foodbank, and a thought popped into my head that maybe the Foodbank would be able to help. I contacted the Foodbank, and sure enough, I came home not only with nappies, wipes and food for the baby but with an entire carload of food and household items.
Thus started a year-long relationship with the Foodbank.
Thanks to you, Pesach was very special and so much fun! All of the thanks in the world aren't enough to describe how perfect it was! The children had the best time, and a happy child is a happy holiday!
I am writing to tell you that thank G-d I have been rehired and can stand on my own feet, but we will never forget the help we got when none else was available.
Best regards,
The Sterns lived a regular middle class Jewish life in Manchester. Each morning, the parents set off to work after dropping their children off at school. Slowly, various expenses started talking their toll. First one of their children required a personal tutor, while another needed emergency medical treatment. While the Sterns had been able to get by, the added pressures and challenges made it all but impossible. Thankfully, L'Chaim stepped in and made weekly food deliveries, freeing up their resources to be able to care for their family.
Kayla, a single mother of two young children works as a secretary for £7 .00 an hour. While she is grateful for the job, the salary, even with welfare benefits, just is not enough to care for her children, who spend their days at playgroup while mom is at work. Without any help from family, she was on her own. when L'Chaim Foodbank heard of her hardships, delivered food and other care packages, ensuring her children are truly cared for.
Ruben is an elderly Holocaust Survivor. He Lives alone and can barely walk. While a care giver comes in to cook meals and help out twice a week, he used to survive on bagels for the rest of the week. He does not want to burden his son who lives hundreds of miles away,and so he keeps his predicament to himself. Thanks to L'Chaim Foodbank Ruben receives a daily meal, and is given the nutrition he so badly needs. And best of all, he receives the care while retaining his dignity.
Josh and Soro are the proud parents of three children with number four on the way! he was made redundant. Despit his qualification, the economic downturn made it nearly impossible to find a job. To make matters worse, they were denied benefits due to a technicality. After four months of being enable to make rent payments, and with labor imminent, they received an eviction notice. L'chaim Foodbank, who had already helped with food and other household good, took over negotiation with the landlord, and pays off some of the debt each month. L'chaim took up their case with social workers to ensure the family will receive benefits. L'Chaim was able to secure numerous interviews for Josh,and the future already looks much brighter.
During today's distribution, a lady who is a mother and wife to a very nice family kept on lingering around even after she got what she needed until everyone left. The volunteer thought she needed something extra due to a crisis.
She pulled our volunteer to the side and told her the following:
"We are a family with dignity and we would never consider taking from charity, we were always able to be on the giving side, last year my husband lost his job and were so desperate, I cannot tell you how much the Foodbank has helped our family throughout our difficulties, I know you do not hear it often enough but THANK YOU so much. Tomorrow my husband is starting a new job and you can take us off your list. Additionally My husband and myself have discussed and decided that when we are able once again to give the L'chaim Foodbank will be the first charity we will give to - having experienced the vital need first hand"
Thank you to each and everyone of our partners who help make these miracles possible!!! We cannot do it without your constant partnership!
On Friday our office got numerous calls from a distraught individual asking for food - we asked him to come in with ID and documentation - he arrived 30 minutes later with everything in hand. He said " I am divorced and I have one, seven year old daughter, my benefits have been stopped due to a technicality, I am having my daughter for the weekend (due to custody arrangements) and I have no food for her, If it was just me I would make do as I have been doing, until my benefits are reinstated or I find a job - But what am I going to do about my daughter?" After calming the man down and verifying his story we sent him on his way a happy man with plenty of food to bring smiles to his daughters face. " The man turned to me and said I cannot believe how quick you responded - In desperation I had called numerous places with all coming to nil and I found your number on the internet and 45 minutes later I am sorted." Thank you to each and everyone of our partners who help make these miracles possible!!! We cannot do it without your constant partnership!